Monte's Ham
Photographer Johnny Miller sent me a quick text. "Getting a Monte's Ham delivered! Will let you know how it tastes."
Monte's Ham is a North Fork, Long Island based certified organic kitchen that delivers all natural nitrate-free hams that have been sourced from small farms in the Finger lakes. Their signature (and famous) glaze which is shipped with the Ham, is a delicious combination of Dijon, Orange Marmalade, Brown Sugar and a blend of spices. Also, as a bonus, when you purchase a Monte's product—he donates a portion of each sale to help fight hunger.
Johnny ordered a half ham with the signature glaze, and served it on Thanksgiving with a traditional turkey and all the fixings as well as a big tray of Deviled Eggs. "The best part," said Johnny, "...was that Monte tracked my Ham to my door, and then emailed me after business hours to make sure it was delivered."
So how did it taste? Johnny reports the ham was a hit. Sweet, salty, deliciousness. And perhaps the best, most favorful ham he'd ever eaten. Even his brother-in-law—(who was raised on a farm in Western Kansas and has eaten his fair share of pork products) agreed.
To get a Monte's Ham delivered, or to learn more about his company, click here.
DO TRY THIS AT HOME: To get the recipe for Monte's Signature Glaze, so you can replicate this recipe at home using your own store-bought ham. Click here.
Photographs: Johnny Miller. (Pics above, Monte's Ham. Middle: Dicing celery for the Turkey Stuffing. Bottom: The Ham that keeps on giving—leftovers for the next day, fried up with fresh farm eggs.)