What Charlie Ate; Korv Och Potatismos
I love hanging out with kids. I love watching them handle and hold things, especially for the first time. The wonderment, and sheer amazement of the most simplest of things.
Welcome little Charlie! Going forward, I'll do some regular posts called "What Charlie Ate". These posts will incorporate the simplest recipes, with very few ingredients. Quick, and easy. (Yep—that even a small child can eat).
In this instalment, Charlie's mother Louise—who is Swedish-born, makes her Creme Fraiche Mashed Potatoes (served with a simple organic hotdog). The creaminess of the mash, with the bright burnished rust-colored dog, a juicy bite—with perfect snap. (Don't forget ketchup!)
Here's the very easy recipe:
KORV OCH POTATISMOS (Swedish for Sausage and Mashed Potatoes): Peel 4 freshly picked medium Yukon Gold potatoes, preferably from the farmer's market. Cut into quarters and rinse twice in cold water. Cover with cold water and keep at a boil for 15 min. Check with toothpick and once soft, empty out water and mash with fork. Add salt and pepper to taste, a little whole milk (around 3/4 cup-ish), around 2 tablespoons of Creme Fraiche and a quarter stick of butter. Heat up a Hebrew 100 percent kosher Beef or Applegate organic natural hot dog, in a warm pan. Serve with good quality Ketchup.
To check out Ari Michelson's photographic work, click here.