The Spicy Kimchee Hotdog and the Sunset Park Sliders, at The Brooklyneer.
SPICY KIMCHEE HOTDOG Is a All-Beef Hotdog from Mile End, the Montreal Jewish Deli in Brooklyn, with Kewpie mayo, and some Mamo O's Kimchee, Slow Train Arbol Chili Hot sauce and Cilantro ($6).
SUNSET PARK SLIDERS Is an Organic slow-roasted Pork Shoulder, with Steve's Smoked Ham, a wonderful slab of melted Gruyere, Pickle Guys Half-Sour Pickles, and Spicy Mayo. ($11).
The Brooklyneer is a Manhattan-based Gastropub, that only serves food from Brooklyn. (Like a Denver restaurant, maybe, where the food comes from Boulder, or a Bondi haunt where the menu is strictly Hunter Valley, perhaps?) This might bear testament that the food coming out of Brooklyn today, deserves to be emulated, no matter which borough you are in and so while the food can't, thus, really be considered truely 'local', it's imported, yes—but from just over the bridge. The pork, ham, cheese, pickle, mayo combo on the slider is to die for.
Check out the menu here.