It's Spring here in New York, and I had teed up with photographer Addie Juell, (and her wonderful husband Eric) to go to the farmer's market, pick up whatever was there, and we would shoot whatever I found, at her Williamsburg studio. It would be impromptu, I would just buy whatever was there. I had hoped for spring greens, (pea shoots or sunflower sprouts), ramps, some fiddleheads, even. But there was none! New York's idea of Spring is a fickle beast. The ramps were there but the time I got in line they had sold out, the fiddleheads too. (I was right behind the guy when he bought the last ones.) There was plenty of stacked sticks of rhubarb, but I didn't want to construct a shoot around it. But what was there? Apples. And many beautiful kinds. A reminder that New York is slow with it's Spring, and some days are warm and promising, and some days are cold, but if you look hard enough there is still beauty everywhere.
ADDIE JUELL, a native Northern Californian, leads a double life making art and taking pretty pictures of things that (mostly!) don’t move. She lives in Brooklyn, plays the ukulele and as hard as she tries, can’t seem to follow a recipe.